What do I get for my $275 registration fee?
Registration entitles you to ALL Hot 'n Dry events, including AA meetings and workshops, Thursday, Friday and Saturday poolside lunches, Friday night dinner, Saturday night Banquet, Thursday night Ice Cream Social, entertainment, and all other scheduled activities. Registration also allows you access to the Hotel pool and Jacuzzi, lounges, and all other facilities.
- Four meetings featuring speakers from around the country.
- Three days of provocative, high-energy workshops offering insights on sobriety, meditation meetings, step meetings, and more.
- A full schedule of activities including a tennis tournament and golf tournament (golf fees not included)
- Our amazing Saturday Night Banquet
- First-class entertainment Friday and Saturday Evenings
- Poolside Lunch on Thursday, Friday and Saturday
- Complimentary Full-Breakfast Friday, Saturday & Sunday (for those staying at the hotel)!
- Friday night dinner
- Thursday night Ice-cream social
- Plenty of fun in the sun in the pool!
- Our world-renowned Raffle
- Coffee/tea and refreshments served at our main meetings
- Speed Dating
- Friday night Show
- And, much more!
We challenge you to find a conference that offers all this for one low all-inclusive registration fee! It can't be beat!!
How do I request a Scholarship?
Many of us have experienced financial hardship at some point in our sobriety, so we understand if you find yourself in such a predicament. Hot 'n Dry scholarships are made available for AA members only through participant donations, and if available, are awarded on a first-come first-serve basis as donations will allow.
To request scholarship assistance, apply online by clicking the Scholarship link on the Hot ‘n Dry webpage or by clicking here. Please keep in mind that only one scholarship per lifetime is awarded. Please keep in mind, scholarships are awarded as donations are received and once Hot ‘n Dry is sold out, scholarships are no longer awarded.
Thank you to all who have donated to the scholarship fund. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
How do I reserve a room at the Hilton Palm Springs Hotel?
Hotel reservations are done online. Once you register for Hot ‘n Dry, a link will appear allowing you to book a room with the hotel. Please keep in mind that having a confirmed reservation for Hot ‘n Dry does not guarantee you a room at the hotel. So please make your reservation early. Be sure to include your Hot ‘n Dry registration number in your hotel room reservation, otherwise, your room reservation is subject to cancellation.
I'm having problems with the hotel. How do I resolve the problem?
Any questions or issues that you are having with the hotel please contact the hotel directly:
Stephanie Mercado
Reservations Supervisor
Why is Hot 'n Dry a men's only conference?
Hot ‘n Dry, Inc., a California non-profit, private corporation, was founded and licensed by the State of California over 34 years ago as a gay sober men’s recovery weekend retreat. Since our very first conference, our weekend retreat has been devoted to the recovery of gay sober men in AA, providing a weekend atmosphere where gay sober men can bond, build friendships and develop sobriety tools and practice the 12 steps specific to the gay men’s experience in recovery.
Is Hot 'n Dry AA sanctioned?
Hot ’n Dry, and similar endeavors cannot be "sanctioned by Alcoholics Anonymous" according to the 6th Tradition. Neither the General Service Board nor the General Service Office has the power to "sanction" anything. That is not their function. It also is incorrect to state or imply that other "official state, regional or world conventions and other types of Round-ups" are "authorized by GSO in New York". The fact is, GSO does not authorize any kind of AA convention round-up. Our 2nd Tradition states, "There is but one ultimate authority - a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience". Therefore, there is no "officially approved function" of AA, with the exception of the General Service Conference itself, in which a loving God expresses Himself in the collective group conscience.
From the inception of Hot ’n Dry, GSO has taken the position that AA members have a perfect right to get together for fellowship and sharing in whatever environment they wish, and that except for the cost and setting, there is no essential difference between an AA gathering in a resort environment, one on board ship, or a local gathering with a potluck dinner. Indeed, GSO allows for each group to be Autonomous and does not answer to anyone nor are meetings "sanctioned" by AA.
Our 7th Tradition states that we are self-supporting through our own contributions, and as such, each person attending the Hot ’n Dry conference needs to share in the expense of putting the conference together. Therefore, there are no "open meetings" as such, because we sell out and are at maximum capacity with the hotel setting. This does not violate any Tradition, as we are self-supporting through our own contributions.
For more information regarding A.A. guidelines for Conferences, Conventions, & Roundups click here.
I heard that Hot 'n Dry is a Private Event. What does this mean? Why can’t I come to the meetings if I'm not registered? Hot 'n Dry is "Sold Out" and I don't have a reservation. Can't I just come and hang out at the pool or attend meetings? Are the meetings "Open", even if I'm not registered?
Hot ‘n Dry is a private event and what this means is that it is open to gay sober men in AA and their significant others. Both must be registered for Hot ‘n Dry to be on the hotel property during the conference, whether you are staying at the host hotel or not. The meetings and workshops that go on during the retreat are open only to those who are registered. Hot ‘n Dry does not have any open meetings or events during the weekend.
Why isn't Hot 'n Dry like other conferences where anyone and everyone can attend? Why aren't women allowed at Hot 'n Dry? Why isn't Hot 'n Dry like other AA conventions? Why isn't Hot 'n Dry like the Miami or AALA conference?
Our 32-year experience of hosting a gay men’s recovery conference devoted to the specific needs of gay sober men has proven to be extremely helpful to the recovery of 1000’s of gay men over the years. Our weekend is modeled after the 100’s of sober events across the country that gear their weekend conferences to a specific group of people, such as the women’s only conference; “Women to Women,” an AA International recovery weekend exclusive to women or the multiple of retreats held in Santa Barbara each year. This weekend is a unique opportunity for men to bond and share with other men their experiences in sobriety that cover a wide-range of topics and discussions appropriate to men.
How do I get involved in Planning the next Hot 'n Dry?
If you are interested in serving on the planning committee for Hot ‘n Dry, contact any committee or board member or you can contact the current Hot ‘n Dry chair. Please keep in mind that a five-year sobriety minimum is suggested for committee service.
How can I volunteer for the weekend?
If you would like to volunteer for the Hot ‘n Dry weekend please let us know when you complete your registration form by checking the “volunteer” box. The volunteer coordinator will contact you regarding the specific needs of the convention during the weekend. If you decide that you would like to volunteer once you are at the weekend, contact any committee member.
When is the last day to get a refund?
You can cancel your registration and get a full refund minus a $25 administrative fee all the day up until 05/31/2019. After that you can cancel your registration but proceeds go to the Hot 'n Dry Scholarship fund. There are no fees for transfering your registration to someone else.
When is the last day to transfer my registration?
You can transfer your registration all the way up until 06/07/2019 in order to give us enough time to assemble the registration packets for the conference. There is no fee to transfer a registration.
What's the difference between the Planning Committee and the Board of Directors?
Hot 'n Dry is a legally incorporated non-profit corporation in California [501(c)3] and is legally known as Hot N' Dry, Inc. with a slate of nine (9) officers, of which six are members, all of whom serve without compensation. The Board of Directors has changed over the years and in its present form the named officers are: Chair, Jim A., Secretary, Tom W., Chief Financial Officer, Robert K.
The Board of Directors has elected the option of selecting an advisory committee (commonly known as the planning committee) which plans and executes Hot 'n Dry each year. The planning committee consists of at least one member of the Board of Directors and non-Board members. The planning committee executes Hot 'n Dry, staying within the boundaries specified in the Traditions, which have been established over the years by the Board of Directors.
Why aren't children allowed at the conference? Why aren't pets allowed at Hot 'n Dry?
For the comfort and safety of all attendees and due to insurance regulations, children and pets are not allowed on the hotel grounds during the weekend.
I heard that Hot 'n Dry is elitist. What does this mean and is this true?
Webster’s dictionary defines elitist as “the belief that certain persons or members of certain classes or groups deserve favored treatment by virtue of their perceived superiority, as in intellect, social status, or financial resources.”
Hot n’ Dry is for gay sober men who are members of Alcoholics Anonymous and is founded on the principal of gay sober men discussing and sharing recovery topics with other gay sober men in the same manner that the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous is based on the principal of one alcoholic talking and relating to another alcoholic. As you might imagine, recovery from alcoholism would be non-existent if AA ever loses the concept of one alcoholic to talking with another alcoholic.
Hot ‘n Dry is not elitist and admits all gay sober men of Alcoholics Anonymous who want to attend and our registrations are offered on a first-come first-served basis until we are sold out. It’s just that simple.
I don't like something about Hot 'n Dry. Who can I talk to? You guys are doing a great job! Who do I talk to?
Any suggestions or praises you have can be emailed to the committee chair or co-chair. If you have a question or concerns during the weekend please find any committee member.
Why can't I register Onsite? Other AA conventions let you do this!
Hot ‘n Dry doesn’t offer Onsite registration because we reach maximum capacity well before the conference starts and we must abide by Fire Marshall and Hotel stipulations.
I'm having problems with the hotel. How do I resolve the problem?
Any questions or issues that you are having with the hotel please contact the hotel directly.
I need to cancel my Hot ‘n Dry registration. How do I do this?
Conference registration cancellations must be done via the Hot ‘n Dry website. There is a $25.00 cancelation fee once you have registered. There are strict deadlines for receiving refunds. See our policies page.
I need to cancel my hotel registration. How do I do this?
Contact the hotel direct. Please be aware, there are strict deadlines imposed by the hotel for receiving refunds or changing your hotel reservations. See your hotel email confirmation for details.
I need to transfer my conference registration. How do I do this?
Conference registration transfers must be done via the Hot ‘n Dry website. There is no charge to transfer your registration; however, there are strict deadlines to do so. See our polices page.